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4 Nov 2021 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

New Lexis+® Legal News Hub Enhancements

Customized Smart Tabs:

The tabs across the top of the screen will automatically update to reflect the user’s last used practice areas within Legal News Hub.

  • The four most recently used tabs will always be displayed for the user, even after they’ve logged out and logged back in. 
  • The most recent tab accessed will become the first tab on the list (adjacent to Home) and will push the other tabs to the right. 


Legal News Hub’s curated Top Stories will more closely reflect the visual representation of the Law360® Top Stories feed. Also, a new section on Law360 podcasts has been added to the home page, bottom right.


The following sources will now be included in Lexis+ Legal News Hub and accessible via the “More” tab*:

  • Law360 UK
  • Law360 Tax Authority
  • Law360 Employment Authority
  • Law360 Insurance Authority

The publications will be visible to all Lexis+ users, but the content is only accessible to those with a valid subscription to the publication. 


RELATED STORIES: Adding links to “Related Stories from Law360” from within an article. 

 We’ve added a Rights/Reprints link to the article view below the “View on Law360” button, allowing users to formally request the ability to share an article with clients, etc.

SEARCHING OLDER MATERIALS: In addition to expanding research to Legal News on Lexis+, researchers can now link to the Law360 news service for additional search results from within the Legal News Hub search results screen.