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11 Aug 2021 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

NEW: Market Standards for Labor & Employment and Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation

Practical Guidance recently released Market Standards for Labor & Employment (L&E) and Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation (EBEC), helping legal professionals research market trends and locate precedent language within deal documents. With Market Standards, users can:

  • Analyze market trends across a wide variety of executive employment agreement terms based on data from thousands of publicly filed agreements.
  • Use highly customized search and filter capabilities to locate the most relevant agreements for peer group comparisons or researching specific terms and clauses.
  • Find on-point precedent language for employment agreement provisions using highly specific filters covering the most highly negotiated elements of these agreements, including detailed data points for compensation and benefits terms, termination and severance terms, change-in-control terms, restrictive covenants, dispute resolution, and more.

Market Standards includes:

  • Robust and up-to-date content: Approximately 4,600 employment agreements and growing, with coverage since 2017
  • Flexible searching: 75 deal points allowing for granular comparisons of common and highly negotiated terms of the agreement
  • Data-driven insights: Analytics and data visualization with immediate insights into patterns and trends