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10 Feb 2021 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

Recent Nexis Diligence™ Enhancements

  • Searching for similarly spelled names
    The underlying technology used to search for similarly spelled names during a Person Check has been enhanced. The Choose names to be included in your search option from the Person Check form can now be selected as a preference setting for all searches, located in User Preferences > Person Check > Fuzzy Matching. Also, you can now use the Fuzzy Search post-search filter to include/exclude results where similarly spelled names have been identified.

  • Updates to Company Sources
    We have made several improvements to the way we display a results list for Company Sources. When displaying results for Company Sources, the sorting list is based on “Relevance,” and the most up-to-date and important results appear at the top of the list.

  • Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) filters
    When including UBO information in a delivered document, a note will now be included indicating when UBO data has been filtered.

  • Update to search box
    The search box now includes an option to choose the date range you want to search in. You can save any selections you make during your search so they will be suggested as defaults.

Visit the Nexis Diligence Support & Training site for more information.