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18 Feb 2021 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

Select Concepts, Jurisdictions and More Now on Lexis+ Brief Analysis

These new features provide users with the ability to select the most important concepts to get results targeted to specific issues, more quickly navigate to relevant parts of their document, and narrow the jurisdiction to improve case and brief recommendations.

Select concepts: To select only specific concepts that were identified in your document, click Change selected concepts.​


Then uncheck those items for which you do not wish to get recommendations. Click Apply XX concepts.

This helps users quickly see where key concepts are located in their document and which of their selected concepts were found in recommended cases. Concepts are highlighted in the user’s document as well as the heat map. If a user modifies concepts applied, only selected concepts will be highlighted.

To change jurisdiction, click Change Jurisdictions.

Then deselect those jurisdictions you do not want included in your recommendations.