LexisNexis® InfoPro Weekly Update, March 9, 2023

Product and Practice Area Updates Federal Litigation Workflow – Interactive Guide AALL/LexisNexis® Scholarships and Grants – Applications Due in April and May Enhancements to MLex® Search Functionality Lex Machina® to Collaborate ...
9 Mar 2023

Enhancements to MLex® Search Functionality

Review these recent enhancements to search functionality on MLex® making it easier to navigate and refine results. Highlight matching search terms Toggle views: ‘Full’ and ‘Title’ ‘Nested’ geography and ...
9 Mar 2023

AALL/LexisNexis® Scholarships and Grants – Applications Due in April and May

Scholarships: AALL is committed to providing opportunities for your professional growth. Each year, the Association awards thousands of dollars in scholarships to law school and library school students as well as to AALL members. The LexisNexis John ...
9 Mar 2023

Knowledge and Research Consultant Tip: A quick way to determine seminal cases in multiple jurisdictions

Looking for a time and cost-effective way to quickly search for relevant cases in different jurisdictions, simultaneously? Consider using Ravel view. Simply run your search terms, select the Ravel view icon on the upper right-hand side, and view your ...
9 Mar 2023