Learn more about multi-level marketing programs under the Federal Trade Commission Act, including the elements of such programs, compliance with the Act and risk mitigation, FTC enforcement, and distinctions...
State securities registration and qualification regulations apply where they are not preempted by federal regulations, such as for intrastate crowdfunded offerings. Although state rules are broadly similar...
Use our tracker to keep up with the individual rules and standing orders implemented by certain federal and state court judges, court administrations, and bar associations governing the use of generative...
In-house counsel may advise internal clients on bankruptcy matters and non-bankruptcy alternatives. Check out this resource kit for a collection of Practical Guidance materials covering many of the tasks...
IRS issued a reminder that employers who offer educational assistance programs can also use them to help pay for their employees’ student loan obligations through Dec. 31, 2025. These programs rely...
In a typical private equity M&A transaction, a private equity fund acquires a controlling or significant minority stake in the equity securities of a privately-held target company (referred to as a portfolio company once acquired), with the goal of improving the financial condition of the portfolio company and selling it at a premium within a short period of time. This practice note focuses on the issues related to making investments in privately held targets, and covers the following elements of private equity transactions: the structure of private equity investments, configuring management incentives, negotiating control and liquidity rights, investment financing, capital structures of private equity portfolio companies, and exiting a portfolio investment. READ NOW »
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