In December 2024, Practical Guidance introduced a range of new content and updates across various legal practice areas, enhancing the resources available to legal professionals. This month's updates...
The allocations that partners establish in their partnership agreement determine each partner's distributive share. A partner’s distributive share is that fraction of a partnership's items...
Marijuana retailers are setting up shops in cannabis approved jurisdictions across the country to meet growing consumer demand. While leasing commercial spaces to cannabis businesses may be profitable...
Clients rely on their counsel to help them navigate all the mechanics of a deal closing. Counsel is generally responsible for, among other things, finalizing the main transaction document and other deliverables...
Do you need guidance on common workplace technology legal issues? Check out Technology and the Workplace: Key Employer Issues (Federal and CA) , by Y. Douglas Yang, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton...
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (also called the COVID-19 Stimulus Package), Pub. L. No. 117-2, raised the de minimis threshold for Form 1099-K reporting on third party settlement organizations (TPSOs), like PayPal and Venmo, under I.R.C. § 6050W(e), from amounts in excess of $20,000 on 200 or more transactions to any payments made to a participating payee that exceed a $600 threshold, regardless of the number of transactions. I.R.S. Notice 2023-10 had delayed application of the reduced reporting amount for the 2022 tax year. Now, I.R.S. Notice 2023-74 provides that for the 2023 taxable year, a TPSO once again is not required to report payments in settlement of third-party network transactions regarding a participating payee unless the amount to be reported exceeds $20,000—and the number of such transactions with that participating payee exceeds 200.
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