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Advance Copy of EAC Request for Comment re Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration

December 23, 2013 (1 min read)

"The United States Election Assistance Commission (“EAC”) seeks public comment on whether to amend the State-specific instructions applicable to Arizona, Kansas, and Georgia on the National Mail Voter Registration Form (“Federal Form”). Those States have requested that the EAC modify their State-specific instructions on the Federal Form to include State law requirements that, as a precondition to registering to vote in Federal elections, voter registration applicants provide additional proof of their United States citizenship beyond that already required by the Federal Form. EAC is voluntarily soliciting public comment on these requests from Arizona, Kansas, and Georgia. DATES: Comments must be in writing and must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on January 3, 2014." - FR Doc. 2013-30659 Filed 12/23/2013 at 8:45 am; Publication Date: 12/24/2013.
