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DOL Expands E-Mail Notification Program for H-2A, H-2B Stakeholders

March 26, 2012 (1 min read)

From DOL:

March 26, 2012. H-2A Email Notification Program Expanded

The Chicago National Processing Center has announced that it will be expanding its E-Mail Notification Program to all H-2A stakeholders who elect to participate in the program. In addition, all H-2A employers who elect to participate in the program will no longer receive hard copy notifications of the following actions: Notice of Deficiency, Notice of Acceptance, Denials, Withdrawals, Extensions, and Redeterminations. NOTE: Certifications and partial certifications will continue to be issued to H-2A stakeholders via electronic transmission and by hard copy.

March 26, 2012. Effective April 9, 2012, E-mail Notification Program to include H-2B stakeholders

The Chicago National Processing Center has announced that it will be expanding its E-Mail Notification Program to all H-2B stakeholders who elect to participate in the program. In addition, all H-2B employers who elect to participate in the program will no longer receive hard copy notifications of the following actions: Notice of Deficiency, Notice of Acceptance, Denials, Withdrawals, Extensions, and Redeterminations. NOTE: Certifications and partial certifications will continue to be issued to H-2B stakeholders via electronic transmission and by hard copy.