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"Round Table" Files Daye v. Garland Amicus Brief at USSC

November 16, 2022 (1 min read)

Hon. Paul W. Schmidt, Nov. 16, 2022

"For over 70 years, Federal Judges from the Supremes on down have turned a “blind eye” to our Constitution and substituted their subjective views on morality and immigrants for the rule of law. Our Round Table says it’s high time to stop!  

[The amicus brief is here:]

Madeline Meth
Madeline Meth ESQUIRE - Deputy Director and Staff Attorney – Georgetown Law Appellate Courts Immersion Clinic

Thanks again to the superstars Esthena L. Barlow, Brian Wolfman, Counsel of Record Madeline Meth, and the rest of the “Youth Brigade of the NDPA” over @ Georgetown Law!"
