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Changes To Immigration Enforcement Potentially Coming ‘Pretty Soon’ - Jeh Johnson

April 27, 2014 (1 min read)

"The Obama administration will announce “pretty soon” how it plans to remodel enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws and potentially “realign” deportation policies, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told ABC News in an exclusive interview.

This comes a month after President Obama asked Johnson to “conduct a review of practices” to ensure “we are carrying out these policies in the most humane way possible,” as a White House spokesman put it at the time.

In an interview with ABC News’ Pierre Thomas for “This Week,” Johnson said the enforcement of immigration laws “needs to comport with American values.”

“One of those American values is respect for human dignity … [and] one of those American values is respect for the sanctity of the family unit,” Johnson told ABC News’ Pierre Thomas.

When announcing the new review last month, White House spokesman Jay Carney cited, “the pain that families who are separated have been feeling as a result of deportations.”
As part of his review, Johnson said he has been talking to members of Congress, advocacy groups and his own workforce.

“We’re still in the midst of the review. And I’m consulting a wide network of people. But I expect to have something pretty soon,” Johnson said when asked when the review would be complete." - ABC News, Apr. 27, 2014.