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Driving While Brown: The Rise of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the Latino Resistance That Defeated Him

February 01, 2022 (1 min read)

Melissa del Bosque, The Border Chronicle, Feb. 1, 2022

"The Border Chronicle is highlighting a Q&A with journalists Jude Joffe-Block and Terry Greene Sterling who covered the rise of Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio as he waged a campaign of terror against the state’s Latino community. In their book Driving While Brown: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Versus the Latino Resistance, the two document the racial-profiling lawsuit against Arpaio that eventually proved victorious. They also show the human costs of this effort, showcasing the struggles of the Latino civil rights activists who fought unconstitutional policing. This insightful and well-researched book also charts the first meeting of Arpaio and Donald Trump, who went on to become the “national Arpaio,” demonstrating how their relationship became pivotal to both men’s political careers."
