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Immigration Bond Co. Hit With $375 Judgment

April 02, 2024 (1 min read)

CFPB et al. v. Nexus Services, Inc., et al.

"Plaintiffs allege that defendants violated the Consumer Financial Protection Act (“CFPA”), the Virginia Consumer Protection Act (“VCPA”), and Massachusetts and New York consumer protection laws in administering “immigration bonds” for indigent consumers facing deportation. ... For the foregoing reasons, the court finds that plaintiffs have sufficiently stated claims for which relief can be granted under the CFPA, the VCPA, the MCPA, the MFDCPA, the NYEL, and the NYGBL. The court will grant plaintiffs’ requested injunctive relief, as detailed in the accompanying Final Judgment Order. The court will also grant $230,996,970.84 in restitution to the CFPB and award civil penalties in the amounts of $111,135,620 to the CFPB, $7,100,000 to the Commonwealth of Virginia, $3,400,000 to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and $13,890,000 to the State of New York."
