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Immigration Reform: A Path Forward

October 06, 2023 (1 min read)

Stephen Yale-Loehr, Randel Keith Johnson, Theresa Cardinal Brown, and Charles Kamasaki, Oct. 5, 2023

"On February 24, 2023, Cornell Law School’s Immigration Law and Policy Program sponsored a conference entitled “Immigration Reform: Lessons Learned and a Path Forward.” Representatives of business, labor, think tanks, and advocacy groups spoke on three panels. Over 220 people attended, either in-person or via webinar. The conference presentation and discussions, augmented by post-conference consultations, produced a rough consensus that while large, comprehensive immigration reform is unlikely to move forward in Congress, certain targeted reforms are both urgently needed and potentially achievable. In this context, the proposals below focus on three areas: (1) border management and asylum reform; (2) worker programs; and (3) DREAMers. We recognize that other reforms—such as the Farm Workforce Modernization Act or measures to attract and retain more STEM talent—are also needed and potentially viable. However, we have chosen to highlight proposals where we can best add value to the field."
