CMS: The Untold Story: Migrant Deaths Along the US-Mexico Border and Beyond October 16, 2024 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (ET) The Journal on Migration and Human Security will soon release a special edition...
Angelo Paparelli, Manish Daftari, Oct. 3, 2024 "Recent developments have upended many of our earlier predictions of the likely post-election immigration landscape in the United States. These include...
Reece Jones, Oct. 2, 2024 "“Open borders” has become an epithet that Republican use to attack Democrats, blaming many problems in the United States on the lack of attention to the border...
UCLA Law, Oct. 1, 2024 "Today, a UCLA alumnus and a university lecturer, represented by attorneys from the law firm of Altshuler Berzon LLP, Organized Power in Numbers , and the Center for Immigration...
Krsna Avila, Dan Berger, and Stephen Yale-Loehr, Oct. 2024 "It’s been just three months since the Biden-Harris administration launched clarifying guidance for certain waivers designed to clear...
"People on a quest for a better life are not stopped by border infrastructure — unless it kills them. And it too often does. The boots-on-the-ground enforcement experts see the real problem. “We all know that illegal immigration is a crime, but it’s not a crime you should lose your life over,” says Andy Adame spokesperson for the Border Patrol in Arizona. Walls, agents, sensors, towers, drones and other whiz-bang border security stuff — bought with $106 billion over the past five years — have not stopped illegal immigration. They won’t stop it because poor people will take great risks to better their lives. They die of hope in our backyard. ... Without acknowledging the human motivations that drive them, this country cannot design effective immigration policies. The “Gang of Eight” bill now before the full Senate pumps billions more into border security strategies — even though Homeland Security cannot measure the effectiveness of the current strategies. Why do we continue to pursue an expensive, deadly approach that has not stopped illegal immigration? The political answer is easy: Spending on border security is the fig leaf to cover Republican shame over supporting amnesty — and some of them feel the need for a great deal of cover. Nobody should be ashamed of supporting a path to citizenship for 11 million people who have lived and worked in this country for years. But we should all be ashamed of the deaths along our southern border. The spirits of thousands of dead men, women and children testify to the danger of throwing money for law-enforcement at a problem that is about mothers, fathers, sons and daughters reaching for a better life. “As a Border Patrol agent, you see the suffering on a daily basis,” Adame says. “We see worse things than the average citizen does.”" - Linda Valdez, Arizona Republic, June 9, 2013.