Legal journalist Chris Geidner ("Law Dork") posted this explainer on his Substack detailing the lawsuits as of Jan. 21, 2025. A hearing on a TRO motion in one of the cases is scheduled for Thursday...
The lawsuit is here . The statement by California Attorney General Rob Bonta is here . The statement by Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings is here .
Robert Brodsky, Bart Jones, Newsday, Jan. 20, 2025 "Arguably the most controversial order he signed Monday, with potentially the largest impact, would seek to end "birthright citizenship"...
The New York Times is reporting that four top EOIR officials have been fired: "The four officials included Mary Cheng, the acting director of the Executive Office of Immigration Review. The three...
Cassandra Burke Robertson, Irina D. Manta, The Conversation, Jan. 20, 2025 "...We are law professors who’ve studied the complex intersection of executive power and immigration enforcement...
Thomas B. Edsall, NYT, Nov. 3, 2021
"Although public polling on immigration shows a strong shift to the left, survey responses in that vein mask a far more complicated reality. Over and over again, immigration has proved to be politically problematic for Democrats. As far back as 2007, when he was chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, Rahm Emanuel warned that immigration had become the new “third rail of American politics.” ... The United States, more than any other nation, cannot avoid the conflicts and disputes provoked by immigration. This country not only has the most immigrants of any country in the world but also is the first-choice destination of most potential immigrants and, possibly most confounding, it has become inextricably dependent on foreign-born workers to perform essential tasks. ... In other words, for all intents and purposes, most undocumented immigrants — and perhaps especially the Dreamers — are Americans deserving of full citizenship. But these Americans are on the political chopping block, dependent on a weakened Democratic Party to protect them from a renewal of the savagery an intensely motivated Republican Party has on its agenda."