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Thousands of Immigrant Parents Detained - HRW Report

May 15, 2017 (1 min read)

Human Rights Watch, May 15, 2017 - "New data analysis reveals that more than 10,000 parents of US citizen children are most likely detained every year in California by immigration authorities, Human Rights Watch said today. In light of new Trump administration policies likely to boost detention and deportation, the state of California should act to ensure that detained migrants are held in dignified and humane conditions and have access to lawyers.  The Human Rights Watch report, “‘I Still Need You’: The Detention and Deportation of Californian Parents,” is based on data obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request to federal immigration authorities. The data covers nearly 300,000 federal detentions of immigrants in facilities in California over a four-and-a-half-year span. Over that period, an average of about 65,000 immigrants a year were detained in California in 15 facilities. Many were parents of US citizen children."