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National and State-by-State Workers' Comp News Powered by Larson's (6/27/2016)

June 27, 2016 (1 min read)







Wearable Devices May Reduce Injuries in Extreme Environments.

Nat’l Safety Council: 4,000 Die Every Year at Work.

Alternative Pain Treatment Easier Said than Done.

SHRM Posts 2016 Benefits Study.

Employers Curtailing Wellness Benefits.

Businesses Eyeing Effects of 4th Circuit’s Exotic Dancer Decision.

4 out of 10 Won’t/Can’t Retire at 65.

Physical Therapy Often Key to Better Patient Outcomes.

CA: Ins. Dept. Issues Ruling on CIC’s EquityComp Program’s RPA.

CA: SCIF Annual Report Now Online.

CO: Judge Muses About Single Payer Debate.

FL: Comp Rates Could Rise Due to Supreme Court Decisions.

KS: NCCI to Sponsor Workplace Safety Seminar.

ME: Augusta Central Office Moves Mid-July.

MT: Cost of Living Increases Announced.

NH: “Uber Bill” Becomes Law.

NY: Cuomo Signs 7-Day Opioid Prescription Law.

RI: Ferrieri Takes Reins as Chief Judge of Comp Court.

WI: Vocational Rehab Important to State’s Farmers.

WI: State Enjoys Fast Rate of Private Sector Job Growth.









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