In Arkansas, a workers’ compensation claimant must ordinarily establish his or her injury claim with medical evidence “supported by objective findings” [see Ark. Code Ann. § 11-9-102(4)(D) (Supp. 2019)]. Acknowledging that requirement, a...
An Arkansas appellate court held that while the payment (and collection) of workers' compensation insurance premiums based upon a particular worker's earnings was one factor to be considered in determining whether that worker was an employee or an independent...
Construing the state’s strong presumption that where a worker tests positive for drugs after a workplace injury, his or her injury was “substantially occasioned” by the use of the illegal drugs [see Ark. Code Ann. § 11-9-102(4)(B)(iv)(a)...
An Arkansas trial court erred in concluding that it had subject-matter jurisdiction over the employee's complaint in which it was alleged that the defendant employed the plaintiff but failed to secure workers’ compensation benefits for the employees....
A deputy sheriff who provided security services at a grocery store was an independent contractor; he was not an employee of the store, held an Arkansas appellate court. The court noted that the sheriff’s department required that the deputy secure permission...
A divided Court of Appeals of Arkansas held that the clear language of Ark. Code Ann. § 11–9–527 did not allow for termination of a minor child’s survivor benefits upon termination of the employee’s parental rights or adoption. Six...
Substantial evidence did not support an award of workers’ compensation death benefits to an employee’s minor child where the employee was fatally injured in a car accident while carpooling home, held an Arkansas appellate court. The Court reasoned that while it...
WCRI Study Compares Outcomes of Injured Workers Across 15 States . US DOL Continues Investigation of Opt Outs to Workers Comp . AZ: Governor Signs HB 2240 Workers Comp Changes . AR: Court Finds WCC Lacks Exclusive Jurisdiction in Employee’s Personal...
An Arkansas appellate court affirmed a decision by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Commission that denied an employee additional medical benefits for continued pain management where the court said the Commission considered the medical evidence, some of which...
EEOC Issues Final Rules on Employer Wellness Programs . AR: Governor Seeks End to State’s Death, PTD Fund . CA: Frederick Dietrich Honored With Lifetime Achievement Award . CA: Michael Gerson Honored With Lifetime Achievement Award . CA: Joseph V...
Labor Secretary Says Workers Comp Opt Outs Push Injured Workers to Poverty . OSHA Reports on Year One of OSHA Severe Injury Reporting Program . OSHA Publishes Final Rule to Update Standards for Eye and Face Protection . First Robot-Run Insurance Company Launched...
An Arkansas court held that the owner of a small Arkansas business appropriately secured workers’ compensation coverage when evidence indicated an insurance company issued a policy and the business paid a premium of $1,000. That the policy did not name any...
Latest Map of Uninsured in America Shows Lack of Health Insurance in the South . Survey of Occupational Injuries, Illnesses Shows Nearly 3 Million Workplace Injuries in 2014 . EEOC Proposes Allowing Genetic Information for Voluntary Workplace Wellness Programs...
NCCI Posts Latest Economic Outlook and Impact on Workers Comp . Fitch Ratings Announces Top Workers Comp Insurance Writers for 2014 . OSHA Issues Inspection Guidance for Health Care Industry . Columnist: New Worker Category Should Be Created to Cover Gig...
Study: 26 States See Increase in Drug Overdose Death Rate . NIOSH Examines Hazards of Temporary Employment . NIOSH Proposes Adding Over 30 New Drugs to Hazardous Drug List . Uber Adopts No Gun Policy for Drivers, Passengers After Chicago Shooting . Study...