Unlike the situation in many other states, the subrogation lien of a Georgia employer and/or its insurer attaches to third-party recovery by the injured employee only after the injured employee has been fully and completely compensated for his economic and noneconomic...
Georgia’s apportionment statute, OCGA § 51-12-33(c) requires the trier of fact to consider the “fault” of all persons or entities that have contributed to the plaintiff’s alleged injury or damages, including nonparties. The fault of the nonparty must be considered...
NCCI Posts Latest Economic Outlook and Impact on Workers Comp . Fitch Ratings Announces Top Workers Comp Insurance Writers for 2014 . OSHA Issues Inspection Guidance for Health Care Industry . Columnist: New Worker Category Should Be Created to Cover Gig...
Study: 26 States See Increase in Drug Overdose Death Rate . NIOSH Examines Hazards of Temporary Employment . NIOSH Proposes Adding Over 30 New Drugs to Hazardous Drug List . Uber Adopts No Gun Policy for Drivers, Passengers After Chicago Shooting . Study...
NCCI Gives “Calm” Now, “Turbulent” Later, Outlook for Workers Comp Industry . NCCI Presentation: Complete State of the Line for Workers Comp Industry . NCCI Presentation: Work Comp Implications of On-Demand Economy, Temp Workers . ...
NIOSH, Ohio BWC to Study Impact of Integrating Wellness With OSH Programs . ACOEM/UL Propose New Framework for Integrating Health/Safety Programs in Workplace . U.S. Rep. Refiles Bill to Prevent ICD-10 Implementation . NIOSH Examines Higher Nurse-to-Patient...
NPR Reports on Impact of Employers/Insurer Medical Control in California . House Passes Legislation That Could Increase Medicare Physician Payments . Insurance Regulators Address Ride Sharing Insurance Coverage Gaps . Study Finds 25% Rate of Opioid Misuse...
WCRI Exec. Director: ProPublica/NPR Articles Don’t Prove Failure of WC System . OWCP Proposes Rule Changes for Longshore Act Electronic Submission of Documents . CA: Adoption of Drug Formulary in Calif. Would Set Trend for Other States . CA: WCIRB and...
WCRI Study Updates on Rising Hospital Costs in Workers Compensation . OR WCD Releases Full Report on 2014 WC Premium Rate Ranking . Study on Opioid Tolerance Could Help Pain Patients Stay on Lower Dosages . Study: Risk of Unintentional Overdose Twice as High...
Doctors, Drug Companies Exploit Loopholes in Physician Dispensing . Gig Workers Seek Labor Protections, Benefits . Zurich 4Q Profit Drops 20 Percent . H.R. 994 Would Improve Workers Compensation for Uranium Mining . Affordable Care Act Raises Stakes for...
Expert Examines Whether Employee Classification Issues Hurt Uber Business Model . Uber Employee Email Exchanges Shed Light on Firing Practices of Drivers . Manufacturers Seek to Reduce Risks for Workplace Exposure to Chemical Flavorings . CMS Releases NGHP...
Construing Georgia’s post-judgment garnishment statute, O.C.G.A. § 18–4–60 et seq., the Eleventh Circuit of Appeals held that a bank account holder whose accounts included monies he had obtained from a workers’ compensation settlement and those that he received...
A Georgia appellate court held that a worker’s fatal injuries arose out of and in the course of his employment where the vehicle the worker was driving was struck by an oncoming train as the worker crossed railway tracks along a short access road used to gain access...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. A.M. Best Reports Workers’ Comp Line Has Third Straight Year of Improvement...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. US Sup Ct to Decide Whether to Hear Seaman Case Under Jones Act . $3.5B Financial...