NIOSH, Ohio BWC to Study Impact of Integrating Wellness With OSH Programs . ACOEM/UL Propose New Framework for Integrating Health/Safety Programs in Workplace . U.S. Rep. Refiles Bill to Prevent ICD-10 Implementation . NIOSH Examines Higher Nurse-to-Patient...
DOJ Audit Alleges GEO Group Incorrectly Calculated Workers Comp Insurance . US DOL Proposes Rule to Revise Black Lung Benefits Act . OSHA Issues Final Confined Spaces Rule to Protect Construction Workers . Doctors Banned From Billing Medicare Still Billing...
US Senate Approves Sweeping Changes to How Medicare Pays Doctors . EEOC Proposes Rule on Application of ADA to Workplace Wellness Programs . WCRI Releases Nat’l Inventory of Cost Containment Initiatives Adopted in 51 Jurisdictions . NIOSH Finds Police...
NIOSH Recommends All Workplaces Be Tobacco Free, eCigarette Free . NIOSH Examines High Rate of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Among Poultry Workers . OSHA Updates Workplace Violence Protections for Healthcare, Social Service Workers . CMS Releases Version 4.6 of...
Obama’s Budget Proposal Mandates Reporting of Workers Comp Benefits to SSA . ProPublica Comments on OSHA Study of Inequality, Lack of Workplace Safety . The Atlantic: Workers Comp Policy “Doesn’t Really Seem to Involve You Until It Does”...
An injured worker’s contention that she still suffered significant pain was not sufficient to contradict the Commission’s finding that the worker had nevertheless reached a point of maximum medical improvement, held an Idaho court. In fact, the worker’s evidence...
President Obama Signs Six-Year Extension of TRIA . President Obama Unveils Plan for Family Leave, Sick Days for Workers . Liberty Mutual 2014 Workplace Safety Index Lists Top 10 Causes of Workplace Injuries . NIOSH Examines Increased Risks of Birth Defects...
NIOSH Examines Link Between Firefighting and Cancer . Expert Provides Guidance on FLSA From Worker Perspective . AL: Labor Dept. Explains New OSHA Reporting Requirements Eff. Jan. 1 . AL: Injuries Sustained While Seeking Medical Treatment for Earlier Injury...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. OSHA Reports 3 Million Workers Experienced Serious Injury or Illness on Job in 2013...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. Massey Energy Ex-CEO Pleads Not Guilty for 2010 Mine Accident . Hearing Loss Prediction...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. LexisNexis Offers Complimentary CLE-Accredited Webinar on Workplace Violence . ...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. National WC Premium Rate Rankings Announced; Calif. Most Expensive State . Regulators...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. AZ: IC Posts 2014-2015 Physician/Pharmaceutical Fee Schedule, eff. 10-1-2014 . ...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. Temp Labor Market Expected to Grow 7% in 2015 . New DOL Rule on Black Lung Now...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. Opinion: Workers Comp No Fault System Should Be Applied to Personal Injury Cases...