GAO Blasts SSA for Inability to Detect Concurrent FECA Payments . Private Investigators Say Drones Useful in Uncovering Workers Comp Fraud . Federal Judge to Rule in Coming Weeks on Uber Class Action Certification . Opioid Use Linked to Poor Outcomes in WC...
Study: 26 States See Increase in Drug Overdose Death Rate . NIOSH Examines Hazards of Temporary Employment . NIOSH Proposes Adding Over 30 New Drugs to Hazardous Drug List . Uber Adopts No Gun Policy for Drivers, Passengers After Chicago Shooting . Study...
NIOSH Research Improves Equipment Design to Help Protect Firefighters . Congressman Wants to Help Gig Economy Survive, Protect On-Demand Worker Rights . Bipartisan Legislation Unveiled for Medicare Secondary Payer, Workers Comp Settlements . AIA Supports...
NCCI Study Examines Relationship Between Accident Report Lag and Claim Cost . NCCI Posts 2015 Workers Comp Issues Report . GENEX Warns of Security Breach in Workers Compensation . Obama Administration, GOP Seeks Reduction in FECA Benefits . AZ: ICA Posts...
Who’s Opting Out of Workers’ Comp: Employers or the States Themselves ? BLS Releases 2013 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Counts . Lockton: Red Herrings, Medical Overdiagnosis Impact Large Loss Workers Comp Claims . WCRI Webinar to Cover...
Obama’s Budget Proposal Mandates Reporting of Workers Comp Benefits to SSA . ProPublica Comments on OSHA Study of Inequality, Lack of Workplace Safety . The Atlantic: Workers Comp Policy “Doesn’t Really Seem to Involve You Until It Does”...
Death benefits to be paid following the work-related death of a 17-year-old farm worker should be calculated using the presumption provided for in Wis. Stat. § 102.11(1)(g), held a Wisconsin court. That statute provides that where the employee is under 27...
WCRI Study Updates on Rising Hospital Costs in Workers Compensation . OR WCD Releases Full Report on 2014 WC Premium Rate Ranking . Study on Opioid Tolerance Could Help Pain Patients Stay on Lower Dosages . Study: Risk of Unintentional Overdose Twice as High...
H.R. 312 Would Provide Death Benefits for Families of Overseas Federal Contractors . Tips on Dealing With Workers Comp Issues in Transportation Industry . WSJ Investigates Whether On-Demand Workers Are Employees . “Uberization” of Jobs as Sea...
NCCI President & CEO Stephen J. Klingel Plans to Retire in 2016 . H.R. 436 Would Amend Longshore Act Definition of Recreational Vessels . AK: DWC Updates Online Benefit Calculator . AR: WCRI Releases New Predictors of Worker Outcomes . CA: Postponement...
Congress Passes Legislation for TRIA Extension . US Postal Data Breach May Compromise Health Data for Nearly 500,000 Workers . Mark Walls at Safety National Discusses 2015 WC Issues to Watch . CMS Posts 1/5/2015 Version of WCMSA Reference Guide . CMS Posts...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. Hospital Outpatient Costs Higher Where Percent-of-Charge-Based Fee Regs, No Fee Schedules...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. NCCI Posts Comprehensive WC Financial Results for 2013, Estimates for 2014 . A...
A federal court dismissed a complaint filed against Weyerhaeuser Co. arising out of plaintiff's exposure to asbestos and a related disease, malignant mesothelioma, while employed at a Weyerhaeuser facility that used asbestos products in the manufacture of fireproof...
Sign up here for our free workers' compensation enewsletters (National or California Edition) to receive weekly news items. Be sure to select the enewsletter of your choice. U.S. House Passes Bill to Help Boatyards Save on Workers Comp Insurance . NIOSH...