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Free BARBRI Outlines for Class Preparation
You will not miss important points of law with these law school outlines
The hardest part about preparing for law school exams is the outlining. Your law school outlines need to cover all the important points of law, elements of legal analysis, and cases from each class you're studying. Your law school outlines also need to have a consistent structure to ensure the information is easy to access, understand and digest.
Easier said than done, right?
BARBRI and LexisNexis have created law school outlines that make preparing for classes and exams easier than ever. Use these law school outlines to ensure you're not missing important points of law, elements of legal analysis, and cases from the classes you’re studying. You can also personalize these law school outlines with your own notes.
You'll find everything you need to prepare for law school exams, and a consistent structure that is easy to use with these law school outlines from BARBRI and LexisNexis. Now all you have to do is start studying.
Click Here to View Outlines