Hong Kong Public Law Reports

This work covers all significant case law developments under the Bill of Rights, many of which are not reported elsewhere.

The only law reports series covering case law developments on public law

Comprises of a comprehensive collection of significant domestic cases interpreting the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which forms part of Hong Kong's national law.

The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong

Refining your case law research to cater to your specific practice area needs

Clarity and consistency

Headnotes have been regularly lauded for their style, providing case details and in-depth analysis with the practitioner in mind.

Caters to your specific need

Provides an invaluable source of comparative materials on the ICCPR, and the implementation of international standards on domestic law.

Strong cross-referencing

Citations are linked to all our other major works such as Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong, The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong and other commentary works which means that no important reference is excluded.

Smart and cohesive headnoting

Headnotes include para references to the judgments for ease of reference to the judgment on a particular point because the reader may only be interested in one or two of several different issues covered in a particular judgment.

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