
Court Docket Search and Alerts

The best way to research court dockets online.

Introducing Lexis® Snapshot. Scan complaint summaries in seconds
with AI-powered alerts on CourtLink.


Search Court Dockets Online With CourtLink®

CourtLink offers the largest collection of courts, dockets, and documents plus powerful alert and search features.

Turn new filings into new business

Be the first to know about new filings so you can spot risks and opportunities for potential clients. Pitch them first. Win new business. Because tomorrow may already be too late.

Deliver superior client service

Monitor new developments in your cases. Provide timely insights with same-day notice of new filings and new civil court cases. Earn client confidence—and a greater share of their work.

Search court dockets with confidence

Harness the power of CourtLink to quickly search over 322M+ Federal & State court dockets and documents. Providing comprehensive coverage so that you have all the relevant information for your case or client.

Let’s get started

Request a free trial by completing the form below. If you need immediate assistance, please call 1-888-AT-LEXIS