Enhanced Challenge Report
Exposing potential weaknesses in the credibility of experts can help you weaken the opposition’s case, or strengthen yours. A vital component of thoroughly vetting expert witnesses is uncovering ongoing or historic challenges to exclude an expert’s testimony. This litigation technique is increasingly being employed today. As attempts to exclude expert testimony increase, so does the sheer volume of underlying “challenge” documents.
Coupled with the already exponential growth of court documents available to legal professionals, this results in a vast universe of documents and sources to scour in order to conduct comprehensive expert witness due diligence. Yet, it’s a mandatory step for both the opposing expert and one’s own. Now you can put even more power behind your expert witness research when you select the NEW Enhanced Challenge Report from LexisNexis® Expert Research On-Demand services.
We’ve been hard at work improving the methodology and output for conducting expert witness challenge research. Here’s how and what it means to you:
- New Technology digs deeper and tames overwhelming data. Leading edge research leverages the latest technological advancements in artificial intelligence, natural language processing and Named Entity Recognition to conduct exhaustive research
- More hits deliver more insight. These improved methods now search more databases and document types, including motions, pleadings, briefs, docket sheets, trial court orders, jury verdict reports, federal and state agency decisions, and other sources.
- Better context aids better decision making. References and citations will be provided for supporting documents where possible.
- Improvements in capturing instances in which an expert’s name is partially or completely missing increases the hit rate.
- References to challenges that have not even been ruled upon now appear in reports delivering more current intelligence.
- When challenges are found, this new methodology tends to identify more challenges per search.
Choose the LexisNexis Expert Witness On-Demand Enhanced Challenge Report service and move forward with the information you need to validate, or discredit, the expert witnesses involved in your case with speed and confidence.
Call 855.249.0764 to place your order, or visit www.lexisnexis.com/experts to learn more.