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An App for Immigrants: The Controversial Issue’s New Tech Frontier

March 08, 2012 (1 min read)

"Guzman and fellow activist Todd Landfried unveiled a crowdfunding plan for an SOS phone app for immigrants. It’s called e-APP: Emergency Notification for Everyone. Although crime victims and parents of teenagers might also find the app handy, “Quite frankly,” Landfried says, “the target market is the immigrant market and anyone-who-could-look-like-an-immigrant market.” Landfried, the executive director of Arizona Employers for Immigration Reform, a Phoenix-based coalition of businesses seeking “sensible immigration reform,” says the app hasn’t been designed yet. First, he and Guzman must raise about $225,000 to hire engineers, test out the app, and market it. They hope to sell it on iTunes for about $2." - Terry Greene Sterling, Mar. 3, 2012.
