People Locator Products & Services

Striving For Openness

The purpose of this data privacy policy is to describe what types of personally identifiable information the company has in its people locator products and services, the types of sources from which this information is collected, the types of customers to whom it is distributed, and the types of uses to which the information is put. This statement also informs you of the options available to you to limit the information that is distributed about you in the LexisNexis people locator information products and services. Finally, this statement informs you how for a fee you can obtain a copy of the non-public information in the LexisNexis locator information products and services that identifies you.

People Locator Files Offered by LexisNexis

The people locator information products and services currently offered by LexisNexis are:

P-TRAK file
P-SRCH file
PSRCH2 file
P-FIND file
X-TRAK file
X-SRCH file
XSRCH2 file
Person Report

How are our People Locator Products Used?

This statement describes only information practices in connection with LexisNexis people locator information products and services. These are products and services that provide information that assists users in identifying individuals, verifying identities, and locating individuals for various legitimate purposes. The people locator information products and services currently offered by LexisNexis are listed above. Read the LexisNexis Data Privacy Policy (PDF, 47K) for more information.

Who Are Our Subscribers?

Subscribers to the LexisNexis people locator information products and services consist primarily of legal and other professionals, corporations, and government officials. They use information from the LexisNexis people locator information products and services for a wide variety of tasks including legal research and case preparation, identifying, verifying, and locating parties to litigation, heirs, witnesses, and pension beneficiaries. LexisNexis does not at this time distribute its locator information products and services to the general public.

Posted July 14, 2005