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InterAction for Data Stewards and Marketing Users

9:00am - 4:00pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Seats Available
Learning Method
InterAction - Marketing Professional
Registration End

Price $2,100.00

Registration Closed


This in-person classroom bundle is designed for InterAction marketing professionals and data stewards who will be working with lists, managing events, maintaining data quality processes and other initiatives in the Windows Client. The 3-day overview will effectively prepare your InterAction users to manage Windows Client tools and processes.
Targeted Role:
InterAction Administrators who will be maintaining the environment from the Administrator client.
Courses included in bundle:
• Fundamental Concepts
• Windows Client Essentials for Understanding and Maintaining Contact Data
• Windows Client Essentials for Managing Marketing Lists, Searches & Reports
• Exploring Marketing Strategies for in Windows Client
• Windows Client Essentials for Using Data Change Management & Data Quality Tools
• Exploring Data Quality Strategies in the Windows Client
After Class Resources & Periodic IA Training Communications:
2-hours Buy-A-Trainer session to be used within 12 months ($1000 value)
• 10% discount on additional Buy-A-Trainer sessions
• InterAction Training Quarterly: The latest news from IA Training!
• Notifications to free webinars, blogs and tutorials at LexisNexis University
• Continued learning opportunities
Course Objectives
· Fundamental Concepts
                Overview of InterAction
                Contact Synchronization 
                Company Association
                Data Change Management 
                Marketing Users and Data Stewards
·InterAction Architecture
                Overview of InterAction Architecture
                PIM and InterAction Web Client 
                InterAction Windows Client
                InterAction Administrator
·Demonstration of InterAction for Microsoft Outlook (IMO)
                Overview of InterAction for Microsoft Outlook (IMO) 
                Editing Contact Details 
                Adding an Upcoming Event 
                Adding an Email to InterAction 
·Demonstration of the InterAction Web Client 
                Overview of the InterAction Web Client
                Message Center 
                Searching for Contacts 
                Viewing Contact Details 
                Using the Find Contact Field
                Performing Tasks on Multiple Contacts
·Contact Organization
                Contact Organization
                Navigating the Windows Client 
·Viewing, Editing and Adding Contact Information in the Windows Client
                 Finding Contacts
                 Viewing Contact Details 
                 Adding and Editing Contact Details
                 Edit Employment Details
· Using Location Types
                 Location Types 
                 Mailing Addresses
· Searching InterAction Data
                 Searching Overview 
                 Creating a Search
                 Editing a Search
                 Saving a Search 
                 Using Save As 
                 Using Associated Company Conditions & Folder-Specific Additional Fields
                 Out-of-the-Box Searches
· Overview of Marketing and Working Lists 
                 Overview of Marketing and Working Lists 
                 Using Folder-Specific Additional Fields
                 End User View of Marketing Lists
·Creating and Managing Lists
                Creating a Marketing List
                Marketing List Security
                Additional Fields 
                Exporting and Importing Additional Field List Items 
                Populating a Marketing List 
                Using Folder Templates 
                Copying a Folder 
                Appendix: Managing Mailings/Events
·Overview of Data Change Management (DCM) 
                Overview of Data Change Management 
                DCM and Contact Types
·Processing DCM Tickets 
                DCM Inbox Overview
                DCM Inbox Tools
                Types of Tickets
                Processing Tickets in the By Ticket View 
                End User Generated Tickets
                System Generated Tickets 
                Processing Tickets in the By Contact View 
                Recommended Best Practices for Managing the DCM Inbox
·Data Maintenance Searches 
                Recommended Data Maintenance Activities 
                Data Maintenance Searches
                Identifying and Managing Duplicate Contacts
·Data Quality Tools 
                Data Quality Tools 
                Multi-Contact Duplicate Merge 
                Cleaning Up Phone and Address Data 
                Converting a Person Contact into a Company Contact
                Converting a Company Contact into a Person Contact 
                Transferring phones, addresses & electronic addresses (Person-Company)
                Transferring phones, addresses & electronic addresses (Company-People)
                Find and Replace
                Replace Unknown Countries
                InterAction Contact Verifier
·Importing Contact Data 
                The InterAction Import Process 
                Performing a Basic Import 
                Association Cleanup
                Advanced Import Steps
                Performing an Advanced Import
·Exporting Data 
                Overview of Exporting Contact Data
                Creating Export Instructions
·Creating Reports
                Overview of InterAction Reports 
                Accessing Reports with the Report Chooser
                Managing Reports
                Editing a Report 


    Very thorough and informational. Easy to follow along with the instructional user guide.

    This was a great class. The trainers were very knowledgeable and able to answer our questions and provide us with good insight into how we might make this product work well for our firm.

    Very well presented and informative. It would be beneficial for people who have never touched InterAction as well as people who have used it.

    Absolutely! This was a fabulous class!

    My instructor is very knowledgeable and her enthusiasm contagious. She is a great speaker.

    The course covered all that I had anticipated.

    The course was excellent. The instructor, was very excellent, one of the best in my experience with training classes.

    Very imformative and helpful! It was obvious the instructors knew the material backwards and forwards. They also did a great job of showing me how I would use the software on a day-to-day basis. Very pleased!

    The training was extremely informative and helpful.

    Trainer was a really fantastic instructor. She understood the course material extremely well. We were very fortunate to have a small class and was able to tailor the class to our needs, which we appreciated very much! Overall it was a delight to take this training and if we have further needs for Interaction training, I would hope to train with the same instructor again.

    The instructor was knowledgeable and was able to answer all questions I had.

    Informative on all levels

    Interesting to see how procedures outside of the software play a big role in maintaining the quality of data. Extensive training for operators is critical to the success of implementation.

    The instruction was exceptional, and given the vast amount of material in this course, I felt what was highlighted/emphasized was appropriate for our needs.
