Analyzing and linking research

Once you have added research to the case, you then need to set the status for record fields and link records to issues.


Primary fields used to track information include: Name, Description, Linked File, # Extracts, Extract Text, Date Verified, and other similar field types.

Primary fields used to analyze/categorize include: Jurisdiction, Type, Criticality, Linked Issues, among others.


For more information on fields, see Research spreadsheets field list.



You can analyze and link data from the Research - Authorities and Extracts spreadsheet too. The procedures are similar to those noted below. Remember that not all fields may display in spreadsheet view. Some may be hidden and can be inserted as needed.


hmtoggle_plus1To analyze research in the Research - Authorities spreadsheet
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the Research - Authorities spreadsheet icon in the All Shortcuts pane.
2.Click on the record you want to analyze.
3.In the Jurisdiction cell, click or type the court from which the precedent came from.
4.In the Type cell, click the type of authority for the record.
5.In the Criticality cell, click on the letter that best categorizes the importance of the authority.



Not all fields may display in a spreadsheet's default view. Some may be hidden and can be inserted as needed. Right-click on a field title bar and click Insert Fields to select a field you want to add to the spreadsheet. Select the check box for the field you want to add and click OK.


6.Continue setting the status for fields as needed.

Data entered in spreadsheet cells is automatically saved as you navigate to a new cell or record.

hmtoggle_plus1To analyze research in the Research - Extracts from Authorities spreadsheet
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the Research - Extract from Authorities spreadsheet icon in the All Shortcuts pane.
2.Click on the record you want to analyze.
3.In the Criticality cell, click on the letter that best categorizes the importance of the authority.
4.Continue setting the status for fields as needed.

Remember that not all fields may display in spreadsheet view. Some may be hidden and can be inserted as needed.

Data entered in spreadsheet cells is automatically saved as you navigate to a new cell or record.

hmtoggle_plus1To link research to objects

When you enter authority and extract records, you should type using short names in fields (Notes field) where you want to automatically link the records with an object (person, organization, etc.).

Enter research authority example

For more information, see Entering research.

hmtoggle_plus1To link authorities and extracts to issues
1.In the Authorities or Extracts from Authorities spreadsheets, click on the authority or extract record you want to link to an issue in the Issues spreadsheet.
2.Click on the Issue Linking button on the Standard toolbar to open the Linking Issues pane.
3.In the Linked Issues pane, select check boxes for each issue that applies to the authority or extract record.

Issue Linking panel

Notice that you can use the Move to Next and Move to Prior buttons in the Issue Linking pane to navigate the records in the spreadsheet.

4.Click in the Linked Issues field for a authority or extract to view all linked issues for the record.
5.Continue linking authority or extract records to case issues as needed.

Data entered in spreadsheet cells is automatically saved as you navigate to a new cell or record.

hmtoggle_plus1To link to authority and extract records to source files
1.In the Authorities or Extracts from Authorities spreadsheet, click on the document record you want to link to a source file.
2.Scroll to the far right of the spreadsheet to locate the Linked File field.
3.Click on the Ellipsis button in the Linked File cell for this record.
4.In the Linked File Properties box under File Viewers, click on the file viewer needed for opening the source file.

Linked File Properties dialog box

5.Click the Browse button to navigate to the folder where this source file is stored and select it.
6.Click to Open and then OK to set the linked path to this source file.

The file's directory path now displays in the Linked File field for this authority or extract record.

7.Scroll to the far left of the spreadsheet and notice that a paperclip icon now displays next the authority or extract record.

Viewing source files example

8.Click on the paperclip icon to view the native file, directory path, and type of file that is linked to this record. You can also click on this link to view the source file in its native program.


If the paperclip icon doesn't automatically display, click the Refresh toolbar button or click the New Record button. If you link to a native source file that isn't added to the CaseMap File Viewer settings, the paperclip and file path won't display until the program is added to the File Viewer dialog box accessible on the Tools > Linked Files > Manage File Viewers submenu.


For more information, see Adding/changing file viewers.

hmtoggle_plus1To locate a linked authority
1.In the Authorities spreadsheet, click on the research record for which you want to locate the source file at

This feature does not locate source authorities that are saved to PDF files. To open a linked native source file, click on the paperclip icon to the far left of the research record.

2.Click on the Research Authority button and then click Get this document.
3.Sign in to the Lexis Total Research System and the document should display.



If the document does not display, it's likely that the hyperlink to the authority has been broken. We recommend that you save all case law research to an Adobe Acrobat PDF file and then link to the source file stored in a Research folder on your network.



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