Performing guided filters

Guided filters are performed by using the pre-built options on the Records > Filter menu. These filter options are primarily the same for all spreadsheets. Whichever spreadsheet is active is the basis of the filter. For example, if you are on the Facts spreadsheet, and select Linked to Issues, the results include all facts linked to issues. If you are on the Questions spreadsheet and select Linked to Issues, the results include all questions linked to issues.


Filter Facts menu options


hmtoggle_plus1To review the Filter menu options

Reference the following table for a description of Filter menu option.

Filter Menu Options



Linked to People, Documents, etc.

Locates all records linked to objects.

Linked to Issues

Locates all records linked to issues, including sub-level issues.

Containing Text

Locates selected text in all description fields or a designated field of choice.

Added in the Last

Locates all new information added to a spreadsheet in the last day/week/month/three months.

My Saved Filters

Re-runs filters that you save for personal use.

Cancel Filter

Cancels the current filter you are running.

Save Filter

Saves the filter to your My Saved Filters menu.

Advanced Filter

Opens the Advanced Filter pane.


hmtoggle_plus1To filter records linked to people, documents, etc.
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click the icon for the spreadsheet you want to use.
2.On the Records menu, click Filter and then click Linked to People, Documents, etc.
3.In the Filter Links to People, Documents, etc. dialog box, click on a sub-level spreadsheet in the Filter [records] linked to a list.

Filter Links to People, Documents, etc...

4.In the Select an [object] to filter by box, click on the object you want and then click OK.

Notice that all spreadsheet records are reduced to only those linked to the object you selected.

5.To add another layer to the filter, click on the Records menu again, click Filter and then click Linked to People, Documents, etc.
6.In the Filter Links to People, Documents, etc. dialog box, select another object spreadsheet and another specific object, then click OK.
7. In the Combining Two Filters box, select a filter option, then click OK.

Combining Two Filters

Notice that the spreadsheet records are now further reduced to only those than meet the filter criteria specified.

hmtoggle_plus1To filter records linked to issues
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click the icon for the spreadsheet you want to use.
2.On the Records menu, click Filters and then click Linked to Issues.
3.In the Filter Issue Links box, click on the issue you want to filter in the drop-down listing, then click OK.


4.If the issue you selected includes sub-level issues, click Yes to include them in the filter.

Notice that the spreadsheet now displays only those records linked to the selected issue and any corresponding sub-issues.

hmtoggle_plus1To filter fields that contain specific text/status

There are two options for filtering for text within a field: description or specific fields. You can choose to keep your filter focused on all description text or you can specify a particular field to narrow your results. For example, you may want to filter to locate a person in a specific field. Or, perhaps you want to filter a field for a specific status.

1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click the icon for the spreadsheet you want to use.
2.On the Records menu, click Filters and then click Containing Text.
3.In the Filter Containing Text dialog box, select which field you want to filter.

Filter Facts Containing Text

4.In the Filter by field, type the text you want to locate, then click OK.

Notice that all records are now reduced to only those containing the specified text in the field selected.

5.To filter by field status, you would select I want to filter the specific field below, and then click on the field in the Filter by list.

Filter Facts Containing Text by specific field

6.In the Filter by field, click on the status you want to filter, then click OK.
hmtoggle_plus1To filter new records added in the last day/week/month

The filter for Added in the last options is a pre-built filter for locating case records updates. You can also search What's New in the Advanced Filter pane.

1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click the icon for the spreadsheet you want to use.
2.On the Records menu, click Filters and then click Added in the last.
3.In the shortcut menu, select Day, Week, Month, or Three Months.

Notice that the spreadsheet now contains only those records added during the timeframe you selected.


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