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ICE Cools It in Alamance County, North Carolina

October 04, 2012 (1 min read)

"Federal officials are dropping deportation cases in Alamance County after a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation alleged that Sheriff Terry Johnson and his office racially profile Latinos.  Durham attorney Marty Rosenbluth, who specializes in defending Latino immigrants, tells the Indy that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lawyers voluntarily closed six of his pending deportation cases in the days after Sept. 18, when the DOJ notified Johnson's office by letter the results of its investigation.  Each of Rosenbluth's deportation cases involved a Latino's arrest on the charge of driving without a license.  In many cases in Alamance, driving without a license is the only charge brought against Latinos, Rosenbluth says." - Indy Week, Oct. 3, 2012.
