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Processing of I-130s Speeds Up For More U.S. Citizen Petitioners

November 23, 2013 (1 min read)

"It is indeed welcome news that USCIS is endeavoring to speed up the processing of I-130 petitions of US citizens, and restore the original processing times of five months or less.  While the granting of immigration benefits is contentious in today’s political environment, few seldom dispute the ability of a US citizen to swiftly bring into this country a foreign national whom he or she has married overseas.  The number of US citizens who can file I-130 petitions on behalf of spouses has recently expanded after Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act was declared unconstitutional in United States v. Windsor, thus enabling US citizens to  also file I-130 petitions on behalf of same sex spouses.  These spouses were unjustly deprived of a benefit for years on end as a result of an unconstitutional statute, and they should not be required to wait that much longer for the I-130 petition to get approved." - Cyrus D. Mehta, Nov. 22, 2013.