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Supreme Court to review S.B. 1070, Arizona's immigration law

December 12, 2011 (1 min read)

Washington Post, Dec. 12, 2011: "The Supreme Court on Monday said it would review Arizona’s restrictive immigration law that sparked a national controversy and inspired similar state efforts across the country to crack down on illegal immigrants. The review will add to one of the court’s most high-profile caseloads in years, and probably will be heard around the same time as justices consider the constitutionality of President Obama’s health-care overhaul. The court on Friday said it also would intervene in a deeply partisan battle over Texas redistricting."

Politico, Dec. 12, 2011: "The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to consider whether a law Arizona passed last year cracking down on illegal immigration violates the Constitution by intruding on the prerogatives of the federal government.  The new high-profile platform for the continuing legal fight over immigration-related state laws has the potential to inflame the issue in the 2012 presidential campaign — a development which could benefit President Barack Obama with Latinos, but could hurt his standing with swing voters who are broadly supportive of such laws."

And here's the SCOTUSblog page with links to all the briefs, etc.
