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Workplace Violence: Complimentary White Paper

News about violence in the workplace comes all too often. In fact, there are more than 700 killings at work each year, the Centers for Disease Control reports, and 572,000 violent crimes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey.

“With population expansion, introduction of new, even more addictive drugs, and uncertain economics, it appears that the percentage of those willing to resort to deadly violence has increased,” write three authors of a white paper published by Lockton ®. “Employers must address the reality that random acts of violence may occur but as a team they can reduce the potential through review and insurance-coverage planning.”

The three authors, Lori Severson , Larry Poague and Mary Davis, write, “We empathize with those employers involved in shootings in movie theats, schools, malls and hospitals. As an employer, and a business, everyone is asking ‘what can I do?’”

You can read their insights about steps companies can take with a free download of the 2014 Lockton® white paper, titled “Workplace Violence: Employers Can Reduce Their Risks.” Click here to get the complete paper.

Severson will be joined by Melissa A. Bailey of Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. on an upcoming complimentary CLE-accredited Webinar : “When the Unthinkable Happens: Preventing and Addressing Violence in the Workplace.” The Webinar will take place on Thursday, Nov. 13, from 2 P.M.  to 3:35 P.M. ET. 

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