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  • Age Discrimination: New Wrinkles on the Face of an Old Law

    The gist of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), while chockablock with numerous and sundry nuanced provisions, remains alive and kicking: “Bosses can’t fire Grandpa for being old.” While the essence survives, application of the Act in the workplace and litigation...
  • Workplace Violence: Assessing Risk, Dealing with Consequences

    By Melissa A. Bailey, Esq. and Dennis A. Davis, Ph.D.* Employers today are faced with the daunting task of trying to root out workplace violence before it occurs for both legal and basic human safety reasons. In addition to the basic moral and human desire to keep workers safe from harm, legal...
  • Human Trafficking: Forced Labor & Federal Enforcement | A LexisNexis® OnDemand Webinar

    Recording Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 | Duration: 95 minutes | | VIEW NOW | Human trafficking is an international scourge. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates that 20.9 million people are trapped in forced labor or servitude around the globe. In the United States, the federal...
  • Wage & Hour: What Does 2014 Hold for Employers?

    While employers might think they are in for a quiet year, some legal experts say to expect a time of “significant changes to workplace policy” from all levels of government. With the government weighing in on everything from the minimum wage to whether workers should be paid to change clothes...
  • The Wage & Hour Avalanche: Avoiding the Crush of Class Actions & Investigations | A LexisNexis® OnDemand Webinar

    Recording Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 | Duration: 95 minutes | VIEW NOW | Wage and hour litigation based on alleged violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and state labor laws continues to grow exponentially. In fact, wage and hour claims are the leading segment of workplace litigation...
  • Nothing in This Life is Free: Unpaid Internships Come Under Fire

    The low-paid or unpaid internship. It has been seen traditionally as a win-win for companies looking for inexpensive help and students looking to gain valuable experience. But the concept has come under assault recently as companies and even government officials are drawing bad press and even lawsuits...
  • Immigration Reform Finding It Difficult to Come to America

    President Obama wants sweeping immigration reform based on four pillars: 1) strong border security; 2) a streamlined legal immigration process; 3) earned citizenship; and 4) a crackdown on employers who hire undocumented workers. This summer the U.S. Senate passed S. 744, also called the Border Security...
  • Immigration Reform and the Workplace: An Overview of Legal and Legislative Developments | A LexisNexis® OnDemand Webinar

    Recording Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | Duration: 95 minutes | VIEW NOW | Compliance with U.S. immigration laws demands constant vigilance by employers. From the upper echelon of any organization, through and including the rank and file, U.S. companies must employ lawful and non-discriminatory...