Home All Tags mergers & acquisitions
  • M&A: How to Prepare Your Company for Sale

    By Stuart M. Horwitz and Jason S. Damicone of Horwitz & Damicone Published in the Advisory with permission of the author As with most planning, preparation is key to a successful sale of a company. You can eliminate or minimize possible issues in a future sale by addressing them now. You...
  • Are hackers after your M&A info? Before you answer, read on

    We all know that people with inside information can time their investment decisions to make millions in the stock market, then perhaps enjoy whopping fines and prison time. But what if you can get inside information without the insider’s knowledge? It looks like a group of hackers is doing...
  • Regulatory Change and Increased Governmental Scrutiny Top the Risks that Concern Corporate Leadership, Survey Reveals

    Understanding your company’s business risks and the concerns of corporate leadership is an important requirement for any in-house counsel to advise and direct their organization. With that in mind, if you’re like the 370 board members and C-suite executives surveyed recently by the business...
  • Top Ten Key Privacy and Security Due Diligence Requests for Mergers and Acquisitions

    BY DAVID F. KATZ, NELSON MULLINS RILEY & SCARBOROUGH -- Due diligence in the context of mergers and acquisitions can easily be compared to a Sherlock Holmes–style exercise where deductive powers of reasoning are applied to the careful and often painstaking collection of a specific...