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Data from April 2014 Asylum Division Quarterly Stakeholder Meeting

May 13, 2014 (1 min read)

"The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Asylum Division invited you to its quarterly stakeholder meeting in April 2014 to discuss the work of the Asylum Division.  The purpose of this engagement was to provide updates and statistics regarding the Asylum Division.  During the engagement, USCIS officials were available to answer your questions. 

Additional Statistics

Affirmative Asylum January, February, March 2014

Afganistan, Iraq, Libya Receipts FY1993- FY2014

Credible Fear and Reasonable Fear FY2014 Q2

Culmulative NACARA January, February, March 2014

Memorandum Release of Updated ADOTC Lesson Plan

Minors FY2014 Q2" - USCIS, May 8, 2014.
