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Doe v. Trump Analysis: Court Issues Preliminary Injunction Against President Trump’s Ban on Uninsured Immigrants

December 04, 2019 (1 min read)

Prof. Peter Margulies, Dec. 4, 2019

"On Nov. 26, Judge Michael H. Simon of the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon issued a preliminary injunction against the operation of President Trump’s October immigration proclamation. The proclamation denies entry into the United States for otherwise qualified visa applicants unless they are likely to receive “approved health insurance” within 30 days of entry or can pay for their health care. (See my earlier analysis of Simon’s temporary restraining order.) In his core ruling that the uninsured ban clashes with the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), Simon was correct. However, some aspects of his statutory and constitutional analysis are flawed. .... [See more...]..."