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EAD Expedite for Health Care Workers

December 28, 2021 (1 min read)

USCIS, Dec. 28, 2021 - "If you are a healthcare worker 

  • Who has a pending Employment Authorization Document (EAD) renewal application (Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization); and 

  • Whose EAD is expiring within 30 days or less, or has already expired: 

Please call the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283 (TTY 800-767-1833) to request expedited processing of your EAD renewal application based on your circumstance as a healthcare worker with an EAD that will expire within 30 days or has already expired. Be prepared to provide evidence of your employment to receive expedited processing. To determine whether you are a qualifying healthcare worker, see this DHS advisory memorandum (“Healthcare / Public Health” section, pages 7-9)."
