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EB-5 Investor Visa Final Rule

July 24, 2019 (1 min read)

Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 142 / Wednesday, July 24, 2019

"This final rule amends Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regulations governing the employment-based, fifth preference (EB–5) immigrant investor classification and associated regional centers to reflect statutory changes and modernize the EB–5 program. In general, under the EB–5 program, individuals are eligible to apply for lawful permanent residence in the United States if they make the necessary investment in a commercial enterprise in the United States and create or, in certain circumstances, preserve 10 full-time jobs for qualified United States workers. This rule provides priority date retention to certain EB–5 investors, increases the required minimum investment amounts, reforms targeted employment area designations, and clarifies USCIS procedures for the removal of conditions on permanent residence. DHS is issuing this rule to codify existing policies and change certain aspects of the EB–5 program in need of reform. DATES: This final rule is effective November 21, 2019."