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80+ Organizations Express Objection to Border Act of 2024

September 06, 2024 (1 min read)

Refugees International, Sept. 5, 2024

"United We Dream and the undersigned 83 national, international, state and local organizations write to express our unwavering objection to the Border Act of 2024 (S.4361). Recently, some have touted this bill as a reasonable piece of policy, worthy of another chance for a vote in Congress. We write this letter to make it clear that we will not allow any elected leader to treat immigrants, whether new arrivals or those who have been here for decades, as political pawns. We will organize against this anti-immigrant Senate Border Bill and its violent implications for our communities now and in the future. This bill has been defeated in the Senate twice and it would cause irreparable harm to our asylum system, our standing on the global stage and most importantly, it would cause countless deaths at our borders and in other countries."
