Jane Porter, IndyWeek, Feb. 7, 2025 "A man who identified himself as a federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent confronted two attorneys in the hallway of the third floor of the Wake...
Cyrus D. Mehta and Kaitlyn Box, Feb. 11, 2025 "Donald Trump’s executive order restricting birthright citizenship, which we analyzed in a previous blog , has now been temporarily enjoined and...
Monique Merrill, CNS, Feb. 10, 2025 "A coalition of refugees and agencies serving refugees are challenging President Donald Trump's executive order indefinitely pausing a refugee resettlement...
Georgetown Law, Feb. 11, 2025 "Today, the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) at Georgetown Law filed a lawsuit on behalf of over two dozen Christian and Jewish religious...
Perez Parra et al. v. Dora Castro "It is HEREBY ORDERED that Respondents and their officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and any other persons who are in active concert or participation...
"The Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration has added a new question and answer (Q&A) to its frequently asked questions (FAQ). The new Q&A concerns notification and consideration of laid-off U.S. workers for PERM labor certification applications. ... Unfortunately, in the world of labor certification, the DOL imposes unrealistic requirements and burdens upon employers, and one can never know how the DOL will react when an employer justifies that its reason for not notifying laid-off workers was because they were unqualified for the position." - Cyrus D. Mehta, Feb. 28, 2014.