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Free U Visa Practice Manual: NELP

May 20, 2014 (1 min read)

U Visas for Victims of Workplace Crime: A Practice Manual

"The National Employment Law Project is pleased to announce the release of U Visas for Victims of Workplace Crime: A Practice Manual. The practice manual is free, and available for download here:

The 190-page manual covers:

-U visa basics: overview of statutory requirements and application process
-Legal analysis and examples of qualifying criminal activity in the workplace
-Obtaining certification from labor and civil rights agencies, including the U.S. DOL, EEOC, NLRB, and state departments of labor
-Special considerations, including establishing substantial physical or mental abuse for victims of workplace crime
-A comprehensive appendix, including: fact sheets, sample intake forms, labor agency certification protocol, sample requests for certification, model U visa applications, declarations, motions for judicial certification, advocacy letters, and more.

We hope that this manual will assist you in your work to protect low-wage immigrant workers. Special thanks to the many practitioners who have assisted in the development of this manual and this area of practice."

Eunice Hyunhye Cho
Staff Attorney
National Employment Law Project
405 14th St. Suite 401, Oakland, CA 94612
Tel: 510-663-5707 | Fax: 510-663-2028 |
Twitter: eunicehcho
