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ICE Violates Due Process, Deports Roberto Beristain in Dead of Night

April 06, 2017 (1 min read)

Legal team, Apr. 5, 2017 - "Roberto Beristain received a lot of attention when he was arrested by ICE officials on February 6, 2017.  He had been issued an illegal order of deportation because then Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) did not disclose a crucial fact to the immigration judge.  As this wrong was being corrected by his multiple attorneys, including attorneys Jessie Miles and Olsi Vrapi from Noble & Vrapi, P.A., ICE whisked Mr. Beristain from his cell and deported him in the dead of night into one of the most dangerous cities in the world: Ciudad Juarez.  Following is a joint press release issued by some of the many attorneys involved in this case."