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Oklahoma City Pastor Pushes for Immigration Reform in Radio Ad Campaign

August 25, 2013 (1 min read)

"The Rev. Felix Cabrera looks out into the pews of his Oklahoma City ministry, and the faces of those affected by America's immigration laws stare back at him.

 PAUL B. SOUTHERLAND - PAUL B. SOUTHERLAND" title="The Rev. Felix Cabrera, pastor of Iglesia Bautista de Quail Springs at Quail Springs Baptist Church, stands outside the church at 14613 N May. PAUL B. SOUTHERLAND - PAUL B. SOUTHERLAND" />
The Rev. Felix Cabrera, pastor of Iglesia Bautista de Quail Springs at Quail Springs Baptist Church. 

Because of his multicultural congregation — he estimates half are undocumented — the local pastor is taking to the national airwaves as part of a high-dollar radio advertising campaign urging Congress to make broad changes to U.S. immigration laws.

Cabrera, pastor of Iglesia Bautista de Quail Springs, the Hispanic ministry at Quail Springs Baptist Church, recently recorded an ad for the Evangelical Immigration Table's latest radio ad campaign launched this week. The ads are set to run on Christian and talk radio in the Oklahoma City and Tulsa markets.

Cabrera, 34, said about 50 percent of his congregation at the Oklahoma City church, 14613 N May, are U.S. citizens or legally in America, while the remainder are undocumented. The Puerto Rico native said his congregation's makeup puts him at the forefront of the immigration reform issue." - Carla Hinton, The Oklahoman, Aug. 24, 2013.
