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State Department Whistleblower Reveals Shocking Policy of Depriving Individuals of Their Birthright to U.S. Citizenship

July 19, 2013 (1 min read)

"I have a client who is a U.S. citizen because she was born in Houston, Texas.  Twice the U.S. government stripped her of right to U.S. citizenship.  First, CBP officials deported her in 1998 after coercing a confession from her. Second, State Department officials at the U.S. embassy in El Salvador unlawfully confiscated her U.S. passport in 2005 without affording my client any due process whatsoever.

No true investigation ever took place into whether my client’s claim to U.S. citizenship was true.  It was a witch hunt from day one.  Unfortunately, my client is not alone, according to a State Department Attorney who spoke to me over the phone.  I recorded the conversations because I strongly suspected that the State Department was committing grave human rights violations against my client.  I was right.

I have transcribed excerpts from three separate conversations.  They reveal a stunning absence of any form of procedural due process for individuals being wrongly deprived of their birthright to U.S. citizenship by the U.S. State Department." - Bryan Johnson, July 18, 2013.