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U.C. Berkeley Math Club President Takes DREAM Act Case to YouTube

February 15, 2013 (1 min read)

"Terrence Park has done plenty of work - in laundries, in restaurants and tutoring in private homes - to realize his dream of getting a college education.  But the 24-year-old UC Berkeley math club leader and biostatistics major from South Korea said Wednesday that he never dreamed he would reveal his biggest secret - that he is an undocumented immigrant - on YouTube.  Park is the star of a new video in which he reveals that he is a one of an estimated 2.1 million American youths whose undocumented parents brought them to the United States as children.  Without passage in Congress of the legislation known as the Dream Act, he and the others could have their dreams dashed.  In the video, the math whiz uses a chalkboard to make the case for why he and other young people in the same situation should be allowed to go to college rather than be deported: It would cost U.S. taxpayers $23,000 to deport each of the undocumented youths in the U.S. - for a total cost of $48.3 billion - while such students would produce billions more in wages and economic investments over their lifetime if they were allowed to stay here." - Carla Marinucci, S.F. Chronicle, Feb. 4, 2013.
