New Lexis Content New publications released on Lexis this month: Restatement of the Law: The Laws of American Indians – Official Text Maine Title Standards The California Prison and Parole Handbook Transportation Antitrust Handbook (ABA) LexisNexis...
What is CaseMap®? Organization and collaboration are two of the most important aspects of pre-trial litigation. Preparing your case strategy with paper files can lead to missed facts, lost documents, and ultimately, losing your case. As the legal industry...
Anyone who works in litigation knows that organizing and analyzing legal cases can be a chaotic and overwhelming process. Litigation often requires you to manage complex facts, navigate complicated case law and collaborate with multiple colleagues. With everything...
Legal research is imperative to the practice of law. Depending on where you are in your legal career, there could be multiple reasons to brush up on the basics of legal research. You could be a: Law student or recent graduate preparing for your career Seasoned...