Led by a team of former government intelligence and law enforcement specialists, ZENRS International offers a variety of security-focused services to clients worldwide. Whether conducting due diligence...
Global organizations need to build the capacity to effectively identify and monitor the most relevant geopolitical and financial trends that could affect their business. Failure to do so may expose them...
2024–25 is a critical period in modern global politics and economics. Geopolitical and financial trends are converging to reshape economies and societies, with significant implications for any company...
A global automaker leveraged Nexis ® for its ESG needs, building off a favorable multi-year relationship with LexisNexis and the company’s Human Rights leader’s prior confidence in the...
AI and generative AI initiatives powered by high-quality data can transform your company. But your AI project is likely to fail if that data is inaccurate, unreliable, or too narrow in scope. You could...
Academic Research,Data Solutions
Nexis® Data+ enables you to extract meaningful insights at a significant scale. It provides access to a comprehensive collection of thoroughly enriched and dynamically updated data delivered through an advanced, adaptable API platform designed to enhance your academic research pursuits.